Sunday, August 10, 2008

Well we decided to do a little hike yesterday morning, and it was alot of fun! We went up to Little CottonWood Canyon to a hike Jake used to do with his friends when he was still in school. It was alot of fun! I was even able to wear my Chacos, which I love and try to wear them every chance I can. We ate a little picnic lunch after the hike and then went back home to watch the olympics. I love watching the olympics! I think the summer ones are my favorite- mostly because of the gymnastics. I have also grown to like watching the swimming, especially because I want to see if Michael Phelps can get all the golds from all his events. Watching them makes me want to get out and exercise more, but it doesn't do much good when you watch them while you are eating Taco Bell for dinner. Oh well, someday things will get better!

We look like we are in High School in all of these pictures!

In other news, Jake was able to bid for his new schedule and starting August 31, we will have Sundays together! I am VERY excited to finally have a whole day together. We will actually get to make good sunday dinners together and I am very excited!

He is sanding one of the kitchen cupboards, and is VERY excited about it!


jen said...

You two are SO cute! Love the action shot of Jake!

K.E.N said...

How do I get to look like you?! Seriously, you are one hot woman...and that picture of you "dancing" in the water, classic Mary. :) And congrats on having an entire day together now-hip hip hurray!

Victoria said...

Dear teenagers,

I hope you enjoyed your date at the malt shoppe and drinking out of one glass with two straws. Let me know when he gives you his high school ring!

Amanda said...

Thanks =) It was nice to be able to read from someone who had already done it. So many people we're saying we were crazy!!! I would love to do it again though!